How to Celebrate Your Birthday Alone – Take a Virtual Vacation

by Jenny Javitch, Founder of Global Game Plan

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Will you be celebrating your birthday solo this year?  Are you wondering how to make your birthday special for yourself?  This one incredible idea is all you need…

An easy and fun way to celebrate your birthday alone is to take a Virtual Vacation! 

What is a Virtual Vacation?  It’s your chance to experience the perfect vacation…from your own home. This is an opportunity to do exactly what you want to do when spending your birthday alone.  It’s waaaaay easier than planning an in-person vacation.  As an early birthday gift, find all the website links to take a Virtual Vacation below. Where will this unconventional journey take you? Ireland!  It will be the best thing to do on your birthday alone this year!


Spend Your Birthday in Ireland...Virtually

Click on the links below to travel and have a wonderful time on your Ireland-themed birthday trip. 

Virtual Birthday Ambiance


Begin your trip with a music playlist:


Irish Birthday Refreshments


Create a traditional Irish dish using these recipes or get your drink on with some classic Irish drinks. You can also choose a fun non-alcoholic drink from this list. 

Delivery of Irish beer or liquor is a great option, as well as food from an Irish pub that’s available from one of your local food delivery options! There are also restaurants around the country that will ship to your home.

Visit the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin via this virtual tour and follow it up with some Irish drinking songs.


Virtual Birthday Activity Options


Watch a five minute overview tour of Dublin or the awesome past performances of Fusion Fighters Irish dancers.

Enjoy some Irish movies on Netflix or Amazon Prime.  

Marvel at this beautiful Aerial Ireland documentary episode through a free trial on Paramount +.

Irish food fans will love Anthony Bourdain’s visit to Ireland and Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern’s video clips, or a full episode (Season 6; Episode 4)

Take a live virtual tour of castles and other treasures of Ireland, scheduled in advance, or check out some live webcams around Ireland.

In the mood for some low-key solo birthday ideas with some Irish music playing in the background?  Test your knowledge with this Ireland’s islands quiz or schedule some birthday coloring time with these Ireland coloring pages.  


 Virtual Birthday Gift Ideas


Looking for some Ireland or travel-themed birthday gift ideas to buy for yourself?  Grab a tasty treat like an Irish dessert, a novel set in Dublin or choose one of these other Irish gift ideas.  Check out these 20+ travel gifts you can use when you go traveling in person.  


Hopefully you enjoyed your Ireland solo travel experience!  Here are some other ways to celebrate your birthday alone and make your birthday special for yourself.

If you are interested in going on an in-person vacation (maybe a birthday vacation next year or a 40th birthday celebration?), Global Game Plan would be happy to help!  You can schedule a FREE travel consultation to discuss your next steps, or read more details about our Vacation Rental Search and Travel Planning Research services.